Bright Solutions
for Dyslexia
0September 2024

Susan Barton

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September 21 - FULL


October 19 - FULL







Preparing For School

Good News

Tips From Dyslexic Students

Empower Our Children

Diagnosed At 14

Investing In Our Children




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Certified Barton Tutors

Screeners and Testers


Preparing For School


If your child has dyslexia, watch this short video to find out the 5 critical classroom accommodations you should ask for.


Click here to request the list of classroom accommodations.


Good News


Dyslexia is the leading cause of reading, writing, and spelling struggles.

The encouraging news is that with the right program and with enough time and intensity, students with dyslexia can learn to read!


For a list of programs that work, click here.


Tips From Dyslexic Students


No one understands the challenges of being a student with dyslexia better than another student with dyslexia.

The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity gathered helpful strategies from conversations with the true experts — dyslexic students who are juggling papers, upcoming tests, and reading assignments.

Use Time Wisely

Embrace Simple Tools

Make the Most of Technology

Ask for Help

Embrace the Power of Dyslexia

Click here to read the entire article from the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity.



Empower Our Children


It is important for your child to understand that while dyslexia makes reading, writing, and spelling challenging, it's also the reason they have unique talents in one or more of the areas.

These strengths can pave the way to successful and fulfilling careers.

Their ability to visualize in 3 dimensions in their head can lead to success in architecture, landscape design, fashion design, interior design, web design, painting, animation, sculpture, or photography.

Their amazing athletic skills can lead to becoming a professional athlete, a coach, or even someone who organizes or hosts athletic events.

Even though they have trouble reading printed music, their musical ability can lead to great careers as performers, composers, or music teachers.

People Skills
Their intuitive understanding of what people are feeling, what motivates them, and how to get people to like them, results in being a natural leader. That may be why they are often very successful in starting and running companies. They also make great psychologists and teachers, and many politicians have dyslexia.

Story Telling
Many famous authors, as well as TV and film producers share that their dyslexia is one reason why they are so successful.

Intelligence, Natural Curiosity, and Love of Logic
Those 3 qualities combined make them great scientists. Many instantly love, understand,and can fix anything mechanical. And they tend to love computers, whether it is building, fixing or improving computers, or creating apps or programs.

So, parents, for every hour you spend getting your child the right type of tutoring (to improve their weak skills), you need to spend an equal hour (or more) helping your child find and grow their gifted areas.

Click here to watch Susan Barton’s 8 minute video chat on how to find your child’s gifted areas.



Diagnosed At 14


Diagnosed at 14

As Susan Barton states over and over again, it is NEVER too late to close the gap, as this homeschool parent shared:

We homeschooled our five children with ease — until we got to our fourth child.

We knew Daniel was not learning like his siblings. By the time he was 8, his 6-year-old sister was reading circles around him.

When Daniel was 10, we sought professional help. But he was mistakenly identified as having an eye tracking disorder. The tracking exercises did nothing to improve his reading.

At 14, we finally had him tested by an educational psychologist who said Daniel was severely dyslexic, something we suspected, but did not comprehend. His reading score was at the 3rd grade level.

We immediately hired a tutor using the Barton System. Daniel made significant progress in a short time and grew in both his reading skills and his self-confidence.

At 16, he started his first college class and has since been dual enrolled, completing 30 college credits. With accommodations, including audio books and extended test time, he’s been very successful — averaging an A in the past 5 semesters of coursework!

At 17, he passed his written driver’s test at 85% without accommodations — a huge milestone for him!

We are so thankful for the Barton System, and we look forward to seeing his future accomplishments as he graduates high school and continues on to college.

Christine Torre, Homeschool Parent
Dawsonville, GA

To listen to this, or to share it, click here.



Investing In Our Children


An investment in our children pays the best dividends.





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